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- Stella Marie Alden
In My Custody Page 4
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Page 4
“Not sure, which is why Andy is hanging around.”
“Andy? Not Quinn?” Her brows raise as she unwraps the paper from two sticks of gum and places the pieces between red lips, the perfect shade for summer in some beauty e-zine.
“He asked me to call him that.” I say this nicely because although I want her to back off, we’re besties and shouldn’t let a man come between us. Besides, I need her help.
My voice lowers to just a whisper as I lean over the bars and pull her forearm to drag her ear closer. “I remember calling you.”
Her eyes flicker toward the door before answering. “I got the insurance company to hold off, but we need proof.”
I point at the flowers in the windowsill, “What about those?”
“What about them?” She looks confused.
“Peter sent them.”
“You sure?”
“Either that, or someone is trying to make it look like he did. How many people order a dozen red roses, a yellow one in the center?”
“I tell you what. As soon as you get out of here, let’s check out where you hung up those mics. Maybe there’s clues.”
I sigh. “It may take some time. Like you said, I’m about to be arrested.”
“Well, I’d love to stay and chat but I still got a ton of work to do. Call me if you need anything, anything at all. Bye now.” Dahlyla squeezes my hand, saunters across the room, and purposely slides her chest across my lawyer’s.
Her mouth purses in a kiss-me kind of way, eyes catching his. The thought of her and him going at it makes my stomach wrench. It’s none of my business if they do but still, I kind of thought he had a thing for me.
I am so bad when it comes to reading men, I really am. Like the whole male species, he’s just interested in a quick fuck. He walks into my room, lowers the metal bar, and sits on the edge of my bed.
“You should watch out for her.”
“Why?” My tone sounds miffed but I don’t care.
The space between his brows scrunch and his mouth turns down. “She has a reputation. What were you and her whispering about?”
Before I can answer, my brother knocks on the doorframe. “Hey sis, can I come in?”
“Please. Would you excuse us, Mr. Quinn?” I glare at the man who flirted with my best friend.
“It’s Andy, Drew, or Quinn. Drop the mister, okay?” A flicker of hurt passes over his face before the mask sets back in place.
I’m not trying to be mean, I just need to keep some distance. Whenever he’s around, a tiny jack-hammer keeps cracking the layers of thick cement I’ve built around my heart. I’m never going to fall in love again, not even fall in-like. I can’t afford to be so stupid.
Mr. Quinn gives a genuine smile to Sam as he shakes his hand. “I’m going for coffee. Want any?”
“No man, I’m good.” The two men nod in some kind of male bonding which pisses me off even more.
Damn, I’m dying for caffeine and yet hate to ask Mr. Flirt for another favor so shut my mouth and watch him go.
After he leaves, Sam says. “He seems like a pretty nice guy.”
“How can you say that?” He knows how I feel about lawyers but it figures. The male species sticks together, some kind of Darwin thing.
My brother shakes his head. “He’s great. I talked to him for a while yesterday while you were asleep. You should be nicer to him.”
When Peter’s plane went down, a ton of lawyers tried to worm their way into my good graces and into my pants. When they found out I was penniless, they all left town real fast. A few offered to go after his estate but they said there was an iron clad pre-nup in place which, by the way, I never signed, never even saw.
“So, what’s his angle?”
“I don’t think he needs publicity if that’s what you mean. The guy’s a whizz with investments. Did you know he turned him and his brother into wealthy men? Why have such a bug up your ass if he wants to take you on for free? It’s probably a good tax write-off.”
“Everybody wants something, Sam.”
“Maybe he just likes your sunny personality.” One side of his mouth lifts.
“Sarcasm does not suit you.” I’d cross my arms to better pout but I’m tethered to the IV. If the nurse doesn’t come in and remove it soon, I’m just pulling it out.
“Whatever. Did you remember anything more?” Thank God, he dropped the whole be-nice-to-the-player thing because it’s not happening.
Sitting up, I swing my legs over my bed and head to the bathroom, the stupid IV on wheels dragging beside me. Holding the open back of the cotton gown closed, I walk a few shaky steps while avoiding his question.
“I remember I wore my new black halter dress and high heels. Am I right?”
He nods up and down, encouragingly. “You’re doing great. When I researched online, I read you may remember more over time. When do they let you out of here?”
In the small bathroom, I glance in the mirror and moan. Damn, I need to wash my hair, shower, and become normal. No wonder Andy has lost interest.
I open the door a crack. “I suspect both my doctor and the lawyer are prolonging my stay, giving the police more time to investigate so they can’t arrest me the second I get out.”
I do my business, wash as best I can, and my brother helps me back to bed. He eyes my many bruises with a bit of concern. “It was a pretty close call, sis. You may want to stay with me when you get out.”
I roll my eyes at the thought of his tiny living space. “With you and your girlfriend?”
“I just thought I’d offer. I’m really worried about you.” He gives me a smile, the kind reserved for family, and it warms me deep inside. Again, I thank the fates that brought us back together. If not for some random act of the gods, I wouldn’t even know I had a brother.
“I’ll be fine. Really, I will.” I glance at the roses. “Would you mind removing those? The smell is turning my stomach.”
He grabs them without a second thought. “We’re booked tonight. I figured on using some of our favorite standards. Let me know if you can get out of here, otherwise I got to find someone to cover.”
“Hell, no. I worked too hard to get this gig. I’ll be there come hell or high water.”
I glance up at the bodyguard and wonder how to ditch him. Cooped up in the hospital is as bad as being married to Peter.
“Do you want me to stay for a while?” Sam glances around the small room and I sense his claustrophobia kicking in.
“Go, I’m fine. I got Mr. Beefy to save me if anyone manages to get by the nurse’s station.”
“Say again? Why did your lawyer hire him?” Sam fidgets with the flowers and sniffs the yellow one in the center.
I hate to worry my brother but we promised we’d never lie to one another. “Mr. Quinn thinks someone may have drugged me.”
His hand rakes over his beard. “Shit. That’s what I’ve been telling everyone. There’s no way you’d take anything. But why now? The stuff with Peter has been over for years.”
“I think you’re going to want to sit.” I pat a space on my mattress and wait for him to put the flowers on the floor and lower his butt onto my bed.
After, I take a deep breath and let it out real slow. “You know the gig I got with the psychologist to get brook sounds?”
“Sure, I do. I helped you pick out the mics. What has that got to do with anything?”
“I’m pretty sure I heard Peter’s voice in the woods.” I bite down on my lower lip. It sounds so damn scary when I say it out loud.
Sam’s eyes go wide and he’s silent for a few seconds while he ponders all the implications. “Huh? You sure?”
My hands clutch his. “Yeah, pretty sure. I never gave it a second thought when I hung microphones over a special place we used to go to. At the time, it seemed perfect. It’s remote, private, and there’s a noisy brook gurgling over the rocks.”
“Oh fuck. You told that insurance investigator, didn’t you?” Sam stands, eyes so furious,
I avert my gaze.
Me and my brother don’t have the same notions about how the universe operates. I figure you get good karma for stopping bad shit from happening. He believes there is no order at all, only random chaos.
Even though he won’t agree, I need to explain. “I don’t want Peter getting ahold of a hundred million bucks. There’s no telling the damage he’ll do.”
“Not good, sis. Not good.” He glances up at my bodyguard. “Fuck. Now I get why your lawyer hired him.”
“Don’t be mad. Please?”
He shakes his head, picks the flowers off the floor, and hugs me. “I’m mostly mad at your stupid undead husband. Call me when you get out, okay?” After he goes I’m left alone with my thoughts until Mr. Sexy-suit reenters my room, rolls the U-shaped table over my bed and sets two coffees down.
I open, sip, and pure heaven rushes through my veins.
Sitting next to the bed, Andy watches me through half-lidded eyes and I wish I could read his thoughts. Andy. I say his name again in my head. It’s too old-fashioned for a guy like him. All I can think of is the TV show with the kid, Aunt Bee, and Mayberry which is so not right. My Andy is metropolitan, suave, and sophisticated.
He seems content to sit and stare but when his glance goes to my lips, I blush. I know what I saw in the mirror this morning. This god-like man is a ten, and me? I’m a seven on a good day with the lights lowered.
“Where’re you from, Andy?”
“North Carolina.” His grin removes another chunk of cement from my senseless heart.
“I don’t believe it. Where’s your accent?” I play it cool on the outside while instructing the lust between my legs to shut the hell up.
“I lost the drawl in college. Y’all want tah hey-ah a little-oh bit?” His gorgeous grin gets wider and brown eyes sparkle over the top of his coffee lid.
One minute he’s all business, and then, this gentle jokester. I can’t figure him out. All I know is this. If he keeps chipping away at me, I could be in serious trouble. Perhaps I should change the subject, remind him of my messed-up life.
However, when I put down my cup, our fingers brush together and we linger, eyes saying much of what sparks between us. One of his fingers uncurls and strokes mine, testing the waters.
To shut down the heated lust throbbing between my legs, I squeeze my knees together but leave my hand right where it is.
My gaze raises to his chiseled chin, lips, then dark chocolate eyes. “Did the police figure out what happened to me?”
One eyebrow twitches. “As far as we know, your car got a parking ticket after you left the club. I think someone grabbed you, drugged you, and put you back in your car. The police report states your car jumped the sidewalk and ran into the side of the building.”
I shudder not only at the accident but the persistence of his one-fingered caress. “Thank God no one was killed.”
“You ready to tell me why, luv?” When he moves his coffee to those lips, I’m actually jealous of the cup.
It’s time for me to trust him… just not this second.
“I promise to show you something after my gig tonight but first, you’ll need to get me out of here.” My pulse quickens while I hold my breath. I need him, but even more I need my job. My rent is due.
Chapter 5
As she sits in her hospital bed in just a thin cotton gown, it’s hard to focus on my job. All I did was touch her with one finger and her body language overflowed with lust. When she held her knees together, squirmed, and her nipples hardened, I almost lost my mind.
“I don’t think singing in public is a good idea.” I got private things in mind.
“Why?” Big blue eyes with black centers stare, crumbling my resolve.
“The police still want to question you.”
“Tell them I’ll come tomorrow. Please?” Her lower lip rolls, a childish petition.
How can I say no?
“Am I rehired? I don’t like being used, Sienna. If I do this for you, you can’t fire me again. Deal?”
“Deal.” She holds out her untethered hand to shake.
God help me, I take hold of her soft flesh and my cock goes hard which strengthens my resolve to keep her safe. “One more thing, you need to come clean, tell me everything you remember, and answer my questions or you’re on your own. Got it?”
“Sure. Thank you. I’m sorry. I’m ah, just not comfortable with someone else being in charge.” Her pupils still dilated, the tip of her tongue flicks over her lower lip.
Of course, with that kind of look, my mind goes into the gutter. If she’d let me, I would show her how good it could be with me in charge. She’d open her legs wide and…
Damn it. What is it about this woman? She makes testosterone flow like heroin through my veins.
Before I can deal with the uncomfortable cramming inside my jockey shorts, the young intern, Lilac, squeals outside in the hall, and gives Jack a hug.
“I didn’t know you were here.” Still beaming, she pokes her head in the room. “Good news. The doctor released Sienna. Someone will be in soon with paperwork.”
I pick up my briefcase to hide my raging lust while Lilac strides to Sienna’s bedside and pulls off the tape holding the IV needle with an efficient flip of the wrist.
“Ow!” Sienna jumps.
“Sorry. All done.” The young doctor puts a bandage over the small hole surrounded by purple and yellow flesh. “Why not use the shower? I bet, by the time you’re dressed, one of the hospital staff will be here with your paperwork. Call me if you have symptoms or for any reason at all.”
The young doctor’s eyes flash toward me, mouth turned down in a frown as she drops the side of the bed with a clunk.
Me? What did I do?
To prove what a nice guy I am, I hand Sienna a plastic bag. “As soon as the stores opened, I had one of my assistants go shopping. I hope these fit.”
Black yoga pants, a workout bra, and a matching top are pulled from the bag. “Wow. Thank you. Put this on my bill, okay?”
“Absolutely.” I give myself a high five as the doctor mutters something about making a big mistake under her breath and leaves.
Sienna pushes the blanket off with her feet, leaving her in just a short, thin hospital gown. “Can you help me out here?”
My mouth dries and my face heats but she seems not to notice as she slips out of bed.
When her legs wobble, my hands shoot to her waist and boom. Lightning must’ve struck the building because electricity zaps between us. Gently, I reach behind her, pull her gown closed, and twist her toward the bathroom and help her into the shower.
“Uh, thanks. I got it from here.” Blue orbs glance up over bright red cheeks.
“Call if you need me.” I leave the door open a crack.
Then, I sit on her bed, close my eyes, and imagine joining her. I’ll lather soap over her beautiful curves and wash her all over. I’ll reach between her legs, find her sweet spot with my index finger and play her sweet music. She’ll scream, her legs will buckle and I’ll slide my wide cock…
“Ahem?” A fiftyish hospital administrator with reading glasses hanging from her neck comes into the room.
Heat rushes to my face at being caught in a dirty daydream even though she can’t possibly know what was on my mind.
I clear my throat, reach into my wallet, and very professionally hand her my card. “Ms. Giles will be right out. I’m her lawyer, Andrew Quinn. My company will be picking up the hospital bills. There’s a lawsuit involved.”
“No one told me there was a third party. I’ll be right back.” She mumbles something about the inefficiency of her staff as heels click on the linoleum. Somewhere nearby, a printer comes to life.
Right after that, the bathroom door opens and the object of my fantasy exits. With wet lashes glistening, her stunning big eyes latch onto mine. My fucking heart drops a beat at my heat reflecting back at me.
The moment i
s lost when the damned woman reenters the room. “Ms. Giles? I’m Sandra Finch. Please sit while we go over your bill.”
Sienna pales and bites her lower lip as she reads the bottom line on the papers attached to the clipboard. I look over her shoulder and gasp.
“You don’t have insurance?” I can’t help but give Sienna the look reserved for complete idiots.
Immediately, she bristles. “It was either insurance or go hungry. I chose food. I’m funny like that.”
Under my breath, I curse out the American healthcare system and my stupidity. “Don’t worry. As soon as we find out who drugged you, I’ll sue the bastards for the cost of your stay plus damages.”
“Thank you, Mr. Quinn.” Her tone is still cold.
Mine is not. “You’re welcome.”
Fuck. I can’t seem to gain any ground. Maybe, I’ll invite her to lunch. We can talk, I’ll hold her hand and find that heat again.
A male nurse wheels in her chair, we pick up Jack at the door, and all parade through the corridors smelling of sickness and antiseptic. I hold my breath until finally, the automatic door opens to fresh air.
When I reach to help her stand, Sienna takes my hand and squeezes back.
Apparently, I am forgiven.
“Yo, Sienna. Over here. I got us a taxi.”
What the hell?
Dahlyla, currently my least favorite woman in New York City waves from across the street.
“Thanks, but we got a ride.” Jack’s brows darken as he points to the Grayson Security SUV idling in front of us at the curb.
“Wonderful!” She says something to the disgusted cab driver, darts between traffic in four-inch heels, then exchanges hugs with Sienna.
“Hello Dahlyla.” I manage to plaster on a well-honed professional smile.
She ignores me and Jack, her back to us. “Sienna darling, I heard they released you and figured I would take you to lunch.
“Oh, Andy already offered. Would you like to join us?”
“Love to.” Dahlyla shoots me this triumphant look behind Sienna’s back.
What is she up to?