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Red Flag (FSCU Pitbulls Book 2) Page 4

  “Because of me?”

  “I think it was pretty damn obvious I was up all night.” I stand, take her hand and try to explain. “If I don’t make the NFL, I got nothing.”

  “Not true.” She cups my cheek.

  “Star, it’s hard for brainiacs like you to understand. I suck at school. If it wasn’t for teachers giving me free passes, I wouldn’t even be in college. Not everyone is book smart.”

  She nods. “So, no more all-nighters?”

  “I got no time.” My resolve begins to crumble as I remember our amazing sex.

  “Can we at least be friends?”

  “With benefits?” It was meant as a joke but she fucking nods her approval.

  Holy fuck. My brain says, hell no but my lower appendage does the speaking. “Sure. As long as we agree to be exclusive… on the sex thing. If we want to go out with other people, that’s fine but if one of us gets serious about someone else, we need to let the other one know.”

  “You sure?” I gaze into her face, not quite believing what’s going down.

  After all the shit I just told her, she still wants to be with me?

  She nods. “Listen. We’re both going to be busy this year and I think we agree what happened last night was beyond satisfying. I read about this. People are healthier with good sex. So, when you and I need some, let’s do it.”

  Now, if any other beautiful woman had agreed to sex without attachment, I’d be doing a few victory laps around the field but her casual talk about our amazing fuck knocks me off my game. I can’t decide how I feel about it but my cock is in charge so I nod my head in agreement.

  At least she agreed she won’t be sleeping with anyone but me.

  “And if I text you?” I check her face to see if she’s messing with me but she’s smiling.

  “I’ll text you back.”

  “I may sext you.”

  She laughs. “We’ll see. But no images. Keep it to dirty talk.”

  “Can we kiss? What if I catch you in the Union or on campus?”

  She takes my hand and pulls me down the street. “Only if I’m not with some other guy.”

  Shit. We’ll see about that. “Agreed.”

  We hold hands as I walk her home. When I kiss her goodnight, like always, my brain explodes and blood runs south. It takes all my will power to let her go. I force my thoughts to my diabetic cousin who’s relying on me to keep him alive.

  Hell, I need to stay focused on matters of life and death. On the way to my dorm, I turn my phone back on and locate a sure bet.

  Maybe, if I start now, I can make next month’s installment.

  Chapter 6


  The rest of band camp goes by in the blink of an eye. Knowing Jackson got in trouble because of me, I stay clear of him and fill out my college applications. My parents want me at UVM in Vermont and, while I could save money, they only offer a master’s degree.

  Not only that… Gah! I love them dearly but I can’t imagine living under their same roof again.

  The evening of the first day of class, I stop for the first time, and plop down in a booth at the Student Union. I should go back to my apartment and help Kira organize but caffeine is needed before taking on such a grueling task.

  I sip on the hot, bitter liquid and relax into the booth until my eyes rest on the man who took me to heaven.

  Alone, Jackson sits at a table for two, texting up a storm. Yawning, he rubs his eyes with deep, dark circles under them.

  Is he staying up all night with someone else? The pangs of jealousy fade as fast as they came. We had an agreement and there’s no reason for me not to trust him.

  When I notice he’s got no food in front of him, I buy us a pizza, order a couple of sodas, and walk over. “Everything all right?”

  He jumps a mile then smiles. “Sorry. You scared the shit out of me. What’s up?”

  His cell bleats, he picks it up, and thumbs in something real fast.

  I point to the red cracked vinyl. “Can I sit?”

  “Sure.” Still thumbing the keyboard, he focuses on the screen while my gaze shoots to his hands.

  “Your cousin?”

  “Nope. Just my Dad. Wondering how I’m doing.” His voice sounds cold and the phone holds all his attention.

  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

  “How are you?” Friends ask about stuff like this, right? “Sorry, I’m not sure how this works.”

  “Me neither.” His hands take mine, sparks fly and I wish like hell I never agreed to this thing with him, whatever it is.

  “You look like hell.” I palm the soft growth on his cheek.

  Lashes lift and chocolate eyes capture mine. “The new coach is tough. I’ve never worked harder in my life.”

  There’s a yellow-orange bruise on his forearm which I touch softly. “Damn. Does it hurt?”

  “This? Nah. Regular stuff. Football’s a rough game. Don’t even notice. How was your first day of class?”

  “Me? Pretty basic but Kira and Ryan are in the same Public Speaking class.” I show him a video of them fighting. “It’s going viral.”

  He chuckles. “Fuck. They got it bad. I’ve never seen my pal so rattled.”

  “My friend, too. Ever since they slept together, she’s been bouncing off the walls. God, I hope it doesn’t rub off on us.”

  He stands, grabs my waist, and pulls me into his lap. “What? Sex?”

  I kiss his soft lips. “No, I like that part. Their whole angst thing? I’m not into those kinds of games.”

  His hand slides through my hair. “Good to know. I’m not real fond of them, myself. But those two are not like us.”

  “You mean friends?” I try not to sound jealous or bitter.

  “I think we’re more than just friends.” His hand cups the back of my head and he brings us nose to nose.

  “Right. Exclusive friends with benefits.” The words stick in the back of my throat and I cough. “Your place or mine?”

  “Someplace else.” He picks up his phone, types quickly, and slips out of the booth. “C’mon, let’s go.”

  “Wait.” I run to the order counter where my pizza is coming out of the oven. “Sustenance?”

  “I got this one.” He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his wallet.

  Wow. That’s a big wad of money. I don’t ask about where he got it because we’re not friends, we’re sex buddies.

  Suddenly, I wonder if what we’re doing is a good idea. My brain says no, my heart thumps out a warning, but me, the real me, wants to know what it’s like. Just once, I want to live without worrying about the consequences.

  “Follow me.” He slips the leather into his back pocket and grabs the pizza box while I take hold of the sodas.

  Outside the Student Union, we walk the familiar path toward the fieldhouse where he leads me to an unlocked back door.

  “Shsh.” He looks up and down the path and leads me down some stairs.

  Then we traverse through a long room with a maze of pipes. At the end, there’s more steps, another door, and finally, a hallway in front of a small room with cots.

  “This is the team’s infirmary.” He pushes two small beds together and locks the door.

  My heart’s thumping from the adrenaline rush and I grin. Wow. So this is what it’s like to break some rules.

  “Will anyone barge in on us?” I take Jackson’s hand, craving his touch.

  “No. I asked George to leave the door open. He’s a student janitor.” He squeezes my hand, touches a finger to my mouth, then locks me in his gaze.

  “Wait. You planned this? Us? Tonight?” My mouth goes dry when he slides a hand to the back of my head and whispers in my ear.

  “More like I hoped.”

  I turn into his mouth and we kiss. “How did you know I’d end up in the Student Union?”

  “I got my spies.” He pulls me down with him at the end of the cot but at the sound of a ping, the mood vanishes and he texts.

��m beginning to hate his cell phone. “Do you need to take that?”

  “Nah, it’s nothing.” Frowning, he turns it off, places it in his pocket, and pulls me into his arms. “I’ve been thinking of how to get you here since last week.”

  “I figured you were busy.” I brush a lock of hair out of his eyes.

  “You have no idea. The new coach rides me hard and the assistant coach, Chris? Holy fuck, the guy’s a former Marine. But I don’t want to waste time talking about them.” His mouth crashes down on mine while rough hands slide up and down my back.

  When I shiver, he stops. “Are you cold?”

  I shake my head, no, and pull his shirt over his head. His beautiful body is covered in bruises and when I outline a nasty one on his ribs, the centers of his eyes darken and he pulls my hand to his fly.

  “Here, Doctor Johnson. This is where I ache most.”

  “Let’s see what the problem is.” Gently, I unbutton, unzip, and release him from his black cotton briefs. “Is this any better?”

  His silky length thickens under my grasp. “Much.”

  Jackson nibbles my neck, bites my earlobe, and cups my cheeks forcing my gaze away from my favorite new toy.

  Damn. I know he’s dangerous. I should stay away but I can’t. His lips find my mouth again, his tongue thrusts in, and I moan as my fist grips his thick length.

  He unwraps my fingers. “Shit. No more.”

  His hands find the hem of my dress and he pulls it over my head. I’m in a lacy bra and thong as he shrugs out of his pants. He kicks them off, followed by his sneakers.

  Lying flat on the cot, he pulls me over him, and rubs his palms up and down my back. “I thought it wasn’t true.”

  “What?” Straddling him, I lift onto my elbows so our faces are just inches apart.

  “I had myself convinced. I must’ve imagined how perfect you are, how soft, and how you fit so right.”

  “Yeah, I wondered about that, too.” I slide my wet panties along his huge appendage. “I figured you couldn’t be nearly as big as I recall.”

  The words affect him and he arches up to get more of what I’m doing while his mouth clamps over a breast.

  His first suck shoots right to my aching bud. To ease the throb, I press my lower pelvis into him. Hands on my waist, he slides me up his body, and lifts me. When his tip hits my core, he slides my undies aside, and lowers me over him.

  I inch down and even as slippery as I am, have to pause for my body to take him in fully.

  “Eyes here.”

  I didn’t realize I’d closed them.

  His face is so intent, all my muscles unlock and I drop onto him until our cores meet.

  This time, it’s his eyes rolling as he bites down on his lower lip. “Fuck, Star. You feel so damn good.”

  His hands reach to my bra and he helps me get it off. Breasts free, he pinches the tips until I almost get off as he rocks up and into me.

  I circle my hips, grinding to get myself off but I can’t quite reach my orgasm. Reading my body’s clear signs, he slips a finger to my slick nub and as he bucks up, presses hard.

  I ride him, millions of years of evolution taking the lead.

  At some point, he turns me onto my back, pushes up on his elbows, and works us into a frenzy. When I cum, I scream, glad there’s no one in the building.

  He shivers, holds still for a second, and crashes into me with a thrust that sends me pulsing all over again.

  Then, he falls onto me, body heavy. With both of us so exhausted, we doze off.

  Much later, I check my phone, and curse. “Jackson. Wake up. You missed curfew.”

  “Shit.” We dress in a panic, run back across campus, and I kiss him outside the dorm.

  “I ah, wow. That was amazing. Will you be in big trouble?”

  He shakes his head. “Worth every bit of shit I will get.”

  I jog back to home. Inside, there’s vomiting going on inside the bathroom.

  “Kira? Is that you?”

  She moans and opens the door. “I feel like the time we thought three bottles of cheap wine was a good idea.”

  I put a hand to her sweaty forehead. “You’re warm. Want me to get you something from the drug store?”

  “No, I’m fine. Go to bed. What time is it?”

  “Just after two.”

  “Oh, great. I’m never going to make it to class in the morning.” She looks at me and her eyes widen at my mussed up state.

  “Get out of town. Are you having sex with Jackson Farnsworth?”

  Her phone rings, I read her ex’s caller ID, and hang up. “It’s Derrick. I thought you two broke up.”

  “I did. He refuses to stop calling.” Shaking, she stands by the sink, glances in the mirror, and groans.

  I pull her hair into an elastic band. “Wait. Isn’t he the one who insisted you take a break?”

  “Right?” She turns the faucet and splashes water over her face. “I told him we were done. Do you know what he said because I didn’t want to have sex, you-know-where?”

  “I can only imagine.” I point to where she missed a spot and she rinses some more.

  “He said we can think about it, once we’re married.”

  “Yikes.” The thought of her ex pounding her in the ass is not pretty.

  “Agreed. Star, from now on, I’m going to live vicariously through you. I am so done with men. So, tell me, how is Jackson in bed?”

  “Oh my God, you can’t imagine.” I sigh. “But I think he’s in some kind of trouble.”

  “What makes you say that?” Tired eyes lift and I know she’d help out if she could but I can’t put this on her, not now.

  I smile, shake my head, and walk her into her bedroom. “I’m not sure. It’s a feeling I get. Maybe I’m just imagining things. Damn, I need some shuteye. See you in the morning?”

  “Could I ask you one more favor?” She settles into bed.

  “Sure, hun, anything.” I turn out the light and pull the covers over her shoulders.

  “Could you stop by the pharmacy and get me a pregnancy test?”

  My heart races for her. “Oh my God. Are you serious? How late are you?”

  “Only a couple days but I’m usually spot on, no pun intended.”


  “No way.”


  “Either that or it’s the second coming of Christ.” She dives under her pillow and moans.

  “Shit. Sure. I’ll go out first thing in the morning. Try and get some sleep.”

  Thank God, I’m on the pill or she could be me. Jackson never even thought to ask and I was so wrapped up in him, a condom was the last thing on my mind.

  Panicking, I search online for a twenty-four hour drug store and find a Walmart close by. Then, I drag my ass to the parking lot, jump in my car, and drive.

  Once there, I go to the section most dreaded by college women. Odd how it’s placed right next to the rubbers, creams, and every reminder of how a woman could’ve prevented this trip.

  I grab a couple boxes and read the labels. I need the one easiest to read and claiming to be the most accurate. Never having had to do this before, it’s a bit overwhelming and so don’t pay attention when someone steps in beside me.

  “Star? What the fuck? Are you…?” Jackson looks down at the boxes in my hands, his eyes widen, then narrow. “No way… You can’t possibly be… We used a protection… fuck… the time before? Someone else?” The way he stammers would be funny except for the last part.

  We both agreed to be exclusive. Plus, he’s so freaked out, it pisses me off. I mean, what if I was checking for me. Is this how he would react?

  “Relax. It’s not for me, it’s for a friend.” As soon as it comes out of my mouth, I realize how lame it sounds.

  Sure enough, Jackson thinks I’m lying. The instant he remembers we didn’t use a condom earlier, he bangs his forehead with his hand. “Shit.”

  He closes his eyes, dark brows creased. “Did you do this on
purpose? Try to trap me so you get child support from an NFL star? Tell me the truth, Star.”

  He places a clear plastic bag full of insulin on the floor, locks me into his grasp, and holds both my shoulders.

  I curse and push at his rock hard chest with my palms. “Let go. I’m on the pill. You want a sworn affidavit? I’ll get you one in the morning.”

  “Fuck.” He lets go of me, glances down at his pinging phone, and when he pales, I cut as hard and as deep as I can.

  “What? Another one of your bets gone bad?”

  He scowls. “You better not say anything.”

  “Fuck you, Farnsworth.” I give him the finger, turn on my heel, and walk to the counter with my purchase.

  Outside, I feel real bad. Someday, I’m going to treat addicts like him. It’s a disease and I should’ve gone easier on him.

  First, he needs to admit he has a problem.

  Chapter 7


  Four hours after my disastrous shopping, my fucking alarm goes off. Groaning, I roll out of bed and into an ice cold shower.

  On our way to the cafeteria, my pal Ryan punches my sore arm. “What time did you get in last night?”

  “It was morning.” I grimace, not ready to take his shit.

  My dormmate, puts in his two cents. “You fuck up our chances of winning, I will mess you up real bad. Y’hear?”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got it.” I stumble as he shoves me and almost land on my face.

  Russell glares. “No, you don’t got it, bro, and you know what I’m talking about.”

  “What’s this?” Ryan grabs my arm.

  “Nothing. Drop it, okay?” I shoot him a look that says I’m not discussing last night with him.

  Breakfast consists of a quick energy drink, sawdust-tasting strawberries, three eggs and three slices of bacon. I gulp it all down with coffee and juice.

  I can’t believe I fell for Star’s whole act. She’s pregnant. Fuck, I can’t afford anything more right now. Hopefully, she has some kind of insurance.

  Buying for a friend? What kind of idiot does she take me for? I try to recall why the hell I forgot to sheath myself. Hell, I had a pack of condoms in my pocket.

  My last girlfriend took care of birth control. I guess I assumed Star would, too.